■Gallery 1 by 4 ~新進アーティスト・ガイド from New York

第2回: Budullee Lee   2/4


Untitled, 2001, C print, 50 x 40cm

Before making my images I have a personal conversation with them about the fear and anxiety that I feel and questions that unsettle me.

Budullee Lee


私の友人に似ているせいか、なんだか友達のように話せてしまう。そのようにモデル と個人的なことを色々話した後に撮る写真には、むしろ作家自身が反映されているという。奥深くにある空虚な感覚や不安などの共感が作家とモデルの媒体となり、撮影は非常に緊密な出来事になる。

Budullee Lee (バドリー・リー)


Budullee originally came from Korea to New York to study art. After graduating from School of Visual Arts, she began building a successful career as an artist in New York. You will be able to see her works in an upcoming edition of Purple magazine.
原園 綾


Aya Kinoshita Harazono
Aya lives in NY, researching emerging artists and such art programs as artist-in-residence. Currently studying for a Masters in Anthropology at Hunter College. Her interests are lie in the evolution of human cognition as well as the origin of art.
